What We've Been Up To
State Central Committee Meeting, Saturday, December 14th
The one allowed LCR elected delegate did attend - Dan Schleeter. He was accompanied by two of our three elected alternate delegates Catherine Miller and John Bonk. Thanks to cross seating, both Cath and John were able to be seated at the convention, replacing delegates from other BPOUs who did not attend. The main purpose of the meeting was the election of state party leadership. Our newly elected leaders are Alex Placash who defeated and replaces David Hann as Chair, Donna Bergstrom as Vice Chair (continuing) and Joyce Orvis as Secretary.
"Trumpzilla" is up on Highway 61
So, who is Trumpzilla? He is the 10 foot high creation of Doug Bieniek, one of our local artists. Mega kudos to Doug for a beautiful, indeed magnificent creation. Trumpzilla resides at the south (lake) side of highway 61 just south of Knife River. Ya can't miss him. Thanks to Ron and Judy Hubbartt for hosting the big guy. He looks happy there, doesn't he?
Meet and Greet for Roger Skraba, Sunday September 8th
A good size crowd of over 30 people gathered to eat delicious brownies and other confections, and drink coffee and water. Most importantly, to hear Roger Skraba talk about his accomplishments in office as our Representative in St. Paul, his strategies for the remainder of the campaign, and his adventures in putting up signs throughout his immense house district 3A. In one such adventure, he had a Trump sign stolen the same day it was put up! Royce White was also scheduled to attend the Meet and Greet, but called the morning of the event to say he was unable to attend. He did call on the phone to speak with attendees, however. Some of those in attendance are shown in the picture below.
Four sign & flag waving rallies throughout August and early September
As the pictures show, we were sometimes few in number, but we made up for that in enthusiasm! By our informal count, with one exception, the positives (beeps, thumbs up) outnumbered the negatives (middle finger salute, thumbs down) by from 3 to 1 to more than 10 to 1. On that one exception, a Sunday afternoon, the positive to negative count was between even and 2 to 1. At one rally, we even got the help of a couple and their dogs that were heading back to the Twin Cities after vacationing on the North Shore. We all had a lot of fun doing the flag waving.
Thanks to our frequent stalwarts Todd, Christine, and Dan. Join us for our last two rallies (see "Upcoming Events") when the leaves change color at the end of the month.
Lake County Fair -- August 8 to 10
We set up and staffed a double booth for three days during the fair. Boni helped Dan set up the booth on Thursday, and Todd joined him on Friday and Saturday. We talked to many, many people, all very friendly (with the exception of just a couple of Democrats). We receivved donations in exchange for Trump and Republican paraphenalia and showed off our collection of political humor. We displayed the "Graph that Saved Trump's Life" (see to the left), because he turned to show it when the assassin fired.
We also conducted a drawing for three prizes. As you can see from the pictures below, one of the Founding Fathers happened to stop by to draw the winners. The 1st Prize winner was Keith Larson, who received his prize on August 13th. He said he had "the perfect place" for his Trump 2024 The Revenge Tour flag.
Advertising Series in Northshore Journal -- May to September
Since the first week in May, Lake County Republicans have been running a series of advertisements (a different one each week) in one of our local newspapers, the Northshore Journal. Our objectives include to:
- Show independents, and remind Republicans, that the values that they currently hold are consistent with being a Republican
- Demonstrate, through simple, specific examples, how Democrats undermine voting integrity
- Remind disengaged and disaffected Republicans of the importance of voting
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Friday July 12 to Sunday July 14
Lake County Republicans sponsored booths at both Bay Days in Silver Bay and Heritage Days in Two Harbors. We also ran a beautiful float in both the Bay Days parade on Friday evening and the Heritage Days parade on Saturday afternoon. And holy smokes, what a float! Take a look at the pictures! The float was designed by local artist (and Lake County Republican Executive Committee Member) Boni Bieniek. Thanks to Boni, Des Burton and Dan for adapting the artist's work to make the float -- Dan and Des nearly got heat stroke! And special thanks to Lee Kortuem, who on an emergency basis came to the aid of Dan and Des, who were brain dead with heat stroke, to finish the float just in time for the Bay Days parade.
At the booths we talked to lots of folks, made new friends, and signed up lots of people who want to join us. The Bay Days booth was staffed by Nancy & Greg Christenson, Paula Paoletti, Randy Goutermont and Cath. The Heritage Days booth was staffed by Todd Bata, John Bonk, Kay Swanson, and Dan (Oh, and also "Boni" the giant MAGA head -- shown pictured below with Kay and artist Boni).
In the words of Greg Christenson, "I think we all made a good impression on the citizens this weekend."
Lake County Republicans sponsored booths at both Bay Days in Silver Bay and Heritage Days in Two Harbors. We also ran a beautiful float in both the Bay Days parade on Friday evening and the Heritage Days parade on Saturday afternoon. And holy smokes, what a float! Take a look at the pictures! The float was designed by local artist (and Lake County Republican Executive Committee Member) Boni Bieniek. Thanks to Boni, Des Burton and Dan for adapting the artist's work to make the float -- Dan and Des nearly got heat stroke! And special thanks to Lee Kortuem, who on an emergency basis came to the aid of Dan and Des, who were brain dead with heat stroke, to finish the float just in time for the Bay Days parade.
At the booths we talked to lots of folks, made new friends, and signed up lots of people who want to join us. The Bay Days booth was staffed by Nancy & Greg Christenson, Paula Paoletti, Randy Goutermont and Cath. The Heritage Days booth was staffed by Todd Bata, John Bonk, Kay Swanson, and Dan (Oh, and also "Boni" the giant MAGA head -- shown pictured below with Kay and artist Boni).
In the words of Greg Christenson, "I think we all made a good impression on the citizens this weekend."
The Lake County Republicans' Banquet was held on Saturday, June 15, 2024.
This year, we met at the adjacent "Pavillion" builidng rather than the Historic Silver Creek Town Hall because it is a bigger space, and we had sold 87 dinner tickets!
Our Dinner Speakers were:
Congressman Pete Stauber (MN CD 8)
State Representative Natalie Zeleznikar (HD3B)
State Representative Roger Skraba (HD3A)
Many reported that all the speakers were excellent, and Congressman Stauber especially awed everyone. All the attention he received suggested his status as a rock star! Very positive reports on the evening from attendees. A few pictures shown below.
This year, we met at the adjacent "Pavillion" builidng rather than the Historic Silver Creek Town Hall because it is a bigger space, and we had sold 87 dinner tickets!
Our Dinner Speakers were:
Congressman Pete Stauber (MN CD 8)
State Representative Natalie Zeleznikar (HD3B)
State Representative Roger Skraba (HD3A)
Many reported that all the speakers were excellent, and Congressman Stauber especially awed everyone. All the attention he received suggested his status as a rock star! Very positive reports on the evening from attendees. A few pictures shown below.
Here is a picture of Roger and Natalie holding up the bill they were given only minutes to review before the vote. (Picture coming when I can find it again -- Dan)
The Republican Party of Minnesota held their state convention. On Friday 17th and Saturday 18th May 2024. A picture of the delegation from the Lake County Republicans is shown below. Many thanks to Catherine Miller, Paula Paoletti, Greg Christenson, Elise Korpi, and John Bonk for representing us all.
Delegates and Alternates were voted on to become our national representatives. Congratulations to: - Ak Kamara, Kip Christianson, Vickie Froelich, Vladmir Lifson, Charlie Strickland, Michael Bang, Sue Chambers, Julie Ann Schmidt, Jerrold Zenke, Bonnie Ripple, Michael Moesenthin, Lana Barbarossa, Rosemary Tamowski, Don Evanson, Richard Klabachek, Michael Casey, David Fitzsimmons, Diana Lobo, Vicki Ernst, Robert Hoffman, Cynthia Kleven, Mike Herman, Barbara Novak and Shannon Cox.
Some changes were made to the proposed rules. When it came time for the proposed changes to the party platform there where heated debates and in the end the platform was voted on as a whole and the motion failed, the party will still use the platform of 2022.
The proposed legislative action agenda Past in total. Proposed changes to the constitution were heated with some changes made.
The US Senate Endorsement between Candidates Joe Frazer and Royce White was an outstanding victory for Royce White winning the nomination on the first ballet with 67%.
The Republican Party of Minnesota held their state central committee meeting on Thursday 16th May 2024.
On the agenda was election of our national committeewoman and committeeman Congratulations to Emily Novotny Chance and AK Kamara.
Some changes were made to the proposed rules and bylaws.
The highlight of the weekend had to be the Lincon Reagan Dinner with Guest Speaker President Donald J Trump. Amazing time was had by all. Thank You President Trump.
Some changes were made to the proposed rules. When it came time for the proposed changes to the party platform there where heated debates and in the end the platform was voted on as a whole and the motion failed, the party will still use the platform of 2022.
The proposed legislative action agenda Past in total. Proposed changes to the constitution were heated with some changes made.
The US Senate Endorsement between Candidates Joe Frazer and Royce White was an outstanding victory for Royce White winning the nomination on the first ballet with 67%.
The Republican Party of Minnesota held their state central committee meeting on Thursday 16th May 2024.
On the agenda was election of our national committeewoman and committeeman Congratulations to Emily Novotny Chance and AK Kamara.
Some changes were made to the proposed rules and bylaws.
The highlight of the weekend had to be the Lincon Reagan Dinner with Guest Speaker President Donald J Trump. Amazing time was had by all. Thank You President Trump.
The 8th Congressional District Convention, was held at the Decc in Duluth Minnesota. Opening with the gavel going down at 11am Saturday April 27th, 2024, with 251 delegates present.
Lake county is allocated 5 delegates, we had 3 delegates and 2 alternates present, our 2 alternates where seated giving us 5 representatives seated and able to vote.
Don Kolhoff and Pete Stauber were candidates running for U.S, House District 8. The vote for the endorsement Don 38, Pete 211.
2 candidates came forward to be elected to the national elector college. CD8 is allocated 1 delegate and 1 alternate. After the vote Cynthia Kleven won delegate with 160 votes and Mike Cummins won alternate with 78 votes.
Next on the agenda came the voting for National delegates and alternates to the RNC.
Our Candidates for Trump: - Darin Miller won 1st delegate with 124 votes.
Molly Christian won 2nd delegate with 90 votes.
Jennifer Cummings won 1st alternate with 71 votes.
Robert Hatch won 2nd alternate with 53 votes.
Ak Kamara withdrew his name as he decided to run for RNC committeeman.
Unseated candidates where: - Cynthia Kleven, Charles Strickland Jr and Rosemary Tarnowski.
Our Candidates for Haley (this had to be done because she received more than 20% of the vote at primary)
Rodger Heger won delegate with 117 votes.
Andrew Aplikowski won alternate with 90 votes, he then withdrew giving the only other candidate Sue Finney the alternates position.
Under any other business
A motion to stand with OTC CD7 was proposed and deemed not a subject, out of order by the chair. A call of no support for the chair which then voted on overturned the chair. The motion then to stand with OTC and condemn republican leadership and MN GOP passed.
A motion to adjourn was made and overturned as people were trying to bring up other business.
Motion to make Pete Stauber as our representative write to Mike Johnson chair of the house to demand an accountability for the January 6th prisoners. The chair denied the motion and again a vote was taken to overturn the chair the motion was then past.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Lake county is allocated 5 delegates, we had 3 delegates and 2 alternates present, our 2 alternates where seated giving us 5 representatives seated and able to vote.
Don Kolhoff and Pete Stauber were candidates running for U.S, House District 8. The vote for the endorsement Don 38, Pete 211.
2 candidates came forward to be elected to the national elector college. CD8 is allocated 1 delegate and 1 alternate. After the vote Cynthia Kleven won delegate with 160 votes and Mike Cummins won alternate with 78 votes.
Next on the agenda came the voting for National delegates and alternates to the RNC.
Our Candidates for Trump: - Darin Miller won 1st delegate with 124 votes.
Molly Christian won 2nd delegate with 90 votes.
Jennifer Cummings won 1st alternate with 71 votes.
Robert Hatch won 2nd alternate with 53 votes.
Ak Kamara withdrew his name as he decided to run for RNC committeeman.
Unseated candidates where: - Cynthia Kleven, Charles Strickland Jr and Rosemary Tarnowski.
Our Candidates for Haley (this had to be done because she received more than 20% of the vote at primary)
Rodger Heger won delegate with 117 votes.
Andrew Aplikowski won alternate with 90 votes, he then withdrew giving the only other candidate Sue Finney the alternates position.
Under any other business
A motion to stand with OTC CD7 was proposed and deemed not a subject, out of order by the chair. A call of no support for the chair which then voted on overturned the chair. The motion then to stand with OTC and condemn republican leadership and MN GOP passed.
A motion to adjourn was made and overturned as people were trying to bring up other business.
Motion to make Pete Stauber as our representative write to Mike Johnson chair of the house to demand an accountability for the January 6th prisoners. The chair denied the motion and again a vote was taken to overturn the chair the motion was then past.
The meeting was then adjourned.
On April 20th HD3A Held an Endorsing Convention for Roger Skraba. We would like to congratulate Roger on winning the nomination.
On March 9th the 2024 Lake County Republican convention was held. Turnout was excellent. A few highlights follow.
State Representative Roger Skraba from house district 3A spoke to the members of the convention. Roger gave an overview of current events at the state legislature and answered questions.
Eleven resolutions were presented for approval. There was considerable discussion and debate about each of these resolutions, several key amendments were offered and accepted. These resolutions will now be presented to the congressional district 8 convention.
The convention split into those whose precincts are in house district 3A and those in 3B for the purpose an expression of the sentiment of the convention for the two incumbent state representatives Natalie Zeleznikar (HD3B) and Roger Skraba (HD3A). Conventioneers unanimously and enthusiastically approved.
A total of five (5) Delegates and six (6) Alternates were elected to attend the April 26th-27th CD8 and May 16th-18th conventions.
On February 27th precinct caucuses for all political parties were held all over the state of Minnesota.
Lake County Republicans held their precinct caucuses at 3 locations: Two Harbors, Silver Bay and Ely for the Fall Lake Precinct.
There are no pictures to show here because everyone was so busy they forgot to take any!
The highlight at the Two Harbors location was Natalie Zeleznikar's presentation. Caucuses goers were wowed with a vigorous presentation and Natalie stayed long to answer questions. Site convenor Dan Schleeter said that a report for the North Shore Journal arrived late in the evening. After the meeting ended, Dan said he spoke with the reporter who said he had been at the DFL precinct caucuses beforehand. There report said there "were a similar number of people present there as here, but things were much less organized than here"
Silver Bay site convener Catherine Miller said one significant outcome of the precinct caucus there was the formation of the precinct group that will keep an eye on Silver Bay city government and local schools. This group was setup to flow information to the public on local issues, this group will remain separate from Lake County Republicans, Although the group will help keep LCR to also stay informed. .
Winter 2023 -- 2024
On January 15 Lake County Republicans, at their "3rd Monday" meeting which coincided with Martin Luther King day, heard from Dan Schleeter on why Republicans are more in tune with Dr. King's dream than are Democrats -- And why they always have been. Those in attendance also heard from Chris Swanson, former Mayor of Two Harbors, who has won five elections within Lake County, on "What it takes to win in Lake County"
At the business meeting following these discussions, attendees discussed priorities for the next six months and put together a calendar of activities for Lake County Republicans covering January to June, 2024. See the Upcoming Events section for that calendar (coming).
On November 30th, Lake County Republicans sponsored a presentation by Brendyn Scouton and Craig Guntederger on Concealed Carry issues and laws. The setting was Beaver Bay Community Center. Brendyn and Craig lead a wide ranging discussion with many comments and questions from those who attended. Everything from security issues at church and at home to the right holster were touched on. And they didn't talk just about concealed carry, I now know not to use bird shot in confronting a home invader with my shotgun. Thank you Brendyn and Craig.
On January 15 Lake County Republicans, at their "3rd Monday" meeting which coincided with Martin Luther King day, heard from Dan Schleeter on why Republicans are more in tune with Dr. King's dream than are Democrats -- And why they always have been. Those in attendance also heard from Chris Swanson, former Mayor of Two Harbors, who has won five elections within Lake County, on "What it takes to win in Lake County"
At the business meeting following these discussions, attendees discussed priorities for the next six months and put together a calendar of activities for Lake County Republicans covering January to June, 2024. See the Upcoming Events section for that calendar (coming).
On November 30th, Lake County Republicans sponsored a presentation by Brendyn Scouton and Craig Guntederger on Concealed Carry issues and laws. The setting was Beaver Bay Community Center. Brendyn and Craig lead a wide ranging discussion with many comments and questions from those who attended. Everything from security issues at church and at home to the right holster were touched on. And they didn't talk just about concealed carry, I now know not to use bird shot in confronting a home invader with my shotgun. Thank you Brendyn and Craig.
On November 20th, Third Monday in November, Char Gaskjen, Deputy Chair 8th Congressional District spoke to us on the importance of voting early, something Republicans have traditionally disliked even considering. Accompanying Char was Noah Flaherty, a student from Duluth. Both Char and Noah are with the Stauber campaign. Char provided information about current Minnesota laws on voting, and answered many questions from attendees. Attendees seemed to agree that voting early was something Republicans need to do in order to compete -- given how much Dems have been doing it. Noah provided an update on the issues Congressman Stauber has been facing at the Capitol. The setting was Burlington Station in Two Harbors. Everyone decided it was a bit to cold for ice cream, but the coffee sure fit the outside temps! During the business portion of the meeting, decisions on the 2024 annual fundraising banquet were made with attendees providing their input and suggestions. |
Autumn 2023
On October 21, 2023 Lake County Republicans sponsored a presentation by Don Parker, Legislative Director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life. Don explained "where we are now" after the 2023 tri-fecta control of both houses of the MN legislature and the governorship enabled MN Democrats to enact legislation to allow abortion up until birth, and newborn babies to die! Don described how other states like Iowa and Ohio have influenced public opinion and changed their abortion policies to pro-life. Don also provided tips from his own experience on how to talk about pro-life issues with those who may not be frozen into their opinions. Don suggested beginning naturally and maintaining limited expectations, but urged listeners to have the discussion where warranted.
On October 21, 2023 Lake County Republicans sponsored a presentation by Don Parker, Legislative Director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life. Don explained "where we are now" after the 2023 tri-fecta control of both houses of the MN legislature and the governorship enabled MN Democrats to enact legislation to allow abortion up until birth, and newborn babies to die! Don described how other states like Iowa and Ohio have influenced public opinion and changed their abortion policies to pro-life. Don also provided tips from his own experience on how to talk about pro-life issues with those who may not be frozen into their opinions. Don suggested beginning naturally and maintaining limited expectations, but urged listeners to have the discussion where warranted.
On October 16th, we had a Third Monday of the month pie social at the Beaver Bay Community Center Lake County Republicans BPOU business was discussed and decisions made.
Summer 2023
We had an Ice Cream Social on September 18 at Burlington Station in Two Harbors. Besides the Lake County Republicans Executive Committee (who were in full attendance), six Lake County Republicans joined us, including Chris Swanson, the proprietor, who was a graicious host. Attendees enjoyed one free order of vanilla ice cream with a root beer float, or a dish of vanilla ice cream. Most opted for the float, it was delicious! Good wide ranging discussion and planning for upcoming events.
Bay Days Booth, Parades at Bay Days and Heritage Days, and Lake County Fair Booth.
We "flew the flag" both literally and figurtively in the form of our new banners showing our new Lake County Republicans logo. Gathered nearly fifteen new contacts, sold more than a dozen of our new t-shirts and talked to friends numbering somewhere around 100. |
The Bay Days and Heritage Days parades and the booth at Bay Days, were a big success for the Lake County Republicans.
The Bay Days Parade was, as always, a huge success and a lot of fun. Catherine Miller (shown above prepping the float we borrowed from Carlton County) paraded, as well as our State Representative for half of Lake County, Roger Skraba. Roger and Cath were joined by Paula, Randy and Dan at the parade. The feedback was very encouraging, as in prior years. It was a lot of fun. Our two days at the Bay Days booth were a big success. Thanks to Catherine for an especially impressive performance. Despite illness, she manned the booth alone on Saturday and sold nine of our new shirts with our new logo that became available only that day! She also made many new contacts. Dan was alone at the Heritage Days parade -- and then Roger showed up at the last minute to help me set up the float (he had been uncertain the previous evening at the Bay Days parade if it was worth it after how tough it was last year). Roger made up for the lack of volunteers. He was a dynamo! It turns out it was a good thing to be behind the Shriner dune buggies. I did not see a single one-fingered salute, unlike last year. A few boos, but generally we heard and saw positive reactions, some ranged from reserved to highly reserved, but some were enthusiastic. Our friends were not embarrassed to be our friends! Natalie Zeleznikar paraded too, but she had her own float. We had a presence at the Lake County Fair for all four days thanks to Dan and Tim. The fair was better attended than last year. Our booth featured humor in the form of printed political cartoons (see the table tops on the picture at left) which got us a lot of laughs and positive comments. We sold more t-shirts and gathered more names and addresses. For the political cartoons we displayed on the table tops, and others there was no room to put on the tables, see the website section on politial humor. Very positive reaction to our new logo too which was prominently displayed on both the float and at the booths. |
Winter/Spring 2023
We had our annual fundraiser Saturday, April 22nd at the historic Silver Creek Town Hall, a grand old building. We heard from our Lake County State Representatives Natalie Zeleznikar and Roger Skraba. The event was well attended, and our speakers had the audience rapt with attention.
Fall, 2022. Signs, signs, signs, everywhere you look. Entrance to Agate Bay breakewall and boat launch -- and one of two entry and exit points to the tall ships!
On Saturday, September 17, 2022 we had a North Shore Meet and Greet with our Federal and State legislative candidates in both Two Harbors and Beaver Bay.
Pete Stauber (U.S. Congress 8th district)
Andrea Zupancich (MN Senate 3rd district)
Roger Skraba (MN House district 3A)
Natalie Zeleznikar (MN House district 3B)
Pete Stauber (U.S. Congress 8th district)
Andrea Zupancich (MN Senate 3rd district)
Roger Skraba (MN House district 3A)
Natalie Zeleznikar (MN House district 3B)
2022 County Fair
Our Candidates for Governor, State Senator, and both Lake County State Representative positions were on hand.
Our Candidates for Governor, State Senator, and both Lake County State Representative positions were on hand.
We had a fund raiser! (2022)
We had a fundraiser on Saturday April 30, at the American Legion basement. It was a truly fine meal, along with great speakers and intriguing and intelligent conversation coming from you, the most interesting people in the county! Entrance to the event required a $50 per person donation to the Lake County RPM, which then also included the speakers and conversation and the wonderful free meal. And since the PCR Refund program was/is still on, we all got our $50 back from the State! Mixer started at 5:30, meal and speakers around 6:00 PM
Lake County BPOU Convention, 2022
Our Lake County BPOU convention was held on February 19, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at the American Legion basement, 614 1st Avenue in Two Harbors.
Note: we tried to set this up for Grand Superior Lodge in Castle Danger, to give a break and share driving time with our Northern members, but they never got back to us - sorry.
Other Note: BPOU means "basic political organizational unit", which in our case is the Lake County Republican Party of Minnesota, or the Lake County RPM
Voting rights at this convention were only for delegates elected at the County Caucus held on Feb. 1st, and those alternates who attend and are 'seated' because some other delegates didn't make it. Anyone may attend, but voting rights are for delegates and seated alternates only. Alternates usually get seated, so please all come and make this more fun! (Note: we had to vote on a rules change to allow "cross-seating" to let alternates represent missing delegates from other precincts. This motion passed unanimously, so all attending did get to participate and vote!)
Results: Delegates to the State and District 8 conventions were elected. We could have done separate elections, but we chose to let the State delegation also serve for our District 8 delegation. Our constitution says the Chair and Vice-Chair are automatically included among our allotted delegates, and we usually get a total of 5. This may change, once the State gets done counting votes registered for each party in the 2020 election, as relating to the new redistricting plan which just got approved at state level. So although we expect to still have 5 delegates and alternates allowed, it could be 4 or 6. Delegates and alternates were elected with ranking (by # of votes received). They were
Delegates: (Also including Chair Tim Jezierski, and Vice Chair Dan Schleeter)
1. Randy Goutermont
2. Dean Skalisky
3. John Bonk
1. John Carr
2. John Bathke
3. Katherine Miller
4. Julie Anderson
5. Bill Schiller
If our delegate/alternate allocation changes, the ranking will remain in effect, with perhaps John Bonk becoming first alternate if we're reduced to 4 delegates, or John Carr becoming a delegate if our allocation increases to 6.
We had several speakers who either spoke on behalf of candidates from personal knowledge and association, or sometimes reading a letter from that candidate.
Chris Swanson spoke up for MN Senator Paul Gazelka, now running for Governor.
Katherine Miller spoke on behalf of Mayor Mike Murphy, now running for Governor.
Tim Jezierski spoke on behalf of Kim Crockett, running for Secretary of State, noting that she has also been working with him on the Election Integrity lawsuit from Lake County.
Nancy Miller spoke on behalf of Rep. Pete Stauber, our present 8th Districft representative in the U.S. Congress.
Donna Bergstrom, the present Deputy Chair of the MN Republicans, spoke about several issues. She introduced us to the name of David Hann, our new state Chair. She mentioned how so many Twin Cities folks are now looking to Republicans to "fix it", i.e. dictator Walz's disastrous policies. We are looking to the state of Virginia for how-to's in this area. She also talked about the need for Election judges, and the need for procedures and rules for reporting election irregularities.
All resolutions (after conflating similar or identical ones into a smaller number) were approved for passing on to the the District 8 level, for later State level consideration for addition to the MN party platform.
Announced: the MN State convention will be held on May 14 in Rochester.
The District 8 convention is expected to be in April sometime, as it must be before the State convention, but redistricting has made it unclear which BPOU's are still part of District 8. (Yes, there are new maps, but the databases and addresses of chairs and delegates need to be set up, and the mailings done.) So they need a little more time to set this up.
Further Details Call our Lake County RPM chair Tim Jezierski at 218-834-2570. Or, visit either our website at lakecountyrepublicans.weebly.com or our Facebook page at Lake County Republican Party.
Note: we tried to set this up for Grand Superior Lodge in Castle Danger, to give a break and share driving time with our Northern members, but they never got back to us - sorry.
Other Note: BPOU means "basic political organizational unit", which in our case is the Lake County Republican Party of Minnesota, or the Lake County RPM
Voting rights at this convention were only for delegates elected at the County Caucus held on Feb. 1st, and those alternates who attend and are 'seated' because some other delegates didn't make it. Anyone may attend, but voting rights are for delegates and seated alternates only. Alternates usually get seated, so please all come and make this more fun! (Note: we had to vote on a rules change to allow "cross-seating" to let alternates represent missing delegates from other precincts. This motion passed unanimously, so all attending did get to participate and vote!)
Results: Delegates to the State and District 8 conventions were elected. We could have done separate elections, but we chose to let the State delegation also serve for our District 8 delegation. Our constitution says the Chair and Vice-Chair are automatically included among our allotted delegates, and we usually get a total of 5. This may change, once the State gets done counting votes registered for each party in the 2020 election, as relating to the new redistricting plan which just got approved at state level. So although we expect to still have 5 delegates and alternates allowed, it could be 4 or 6. Delegates and alternates were elected with ranking (by # of votes received). They were
Delegates: (Also including Chair Tim Jezierski, and Vice Chair Dan Schleeter)
1. Randy Goutermont
2. Dean Skalisky
3. John Bonk
1. John Carr
2. John Bathke
3. Katherine Miller
4. Julie Anderson
5. Bill Schiller
If our delegate/alternate allocation changes, the ranking will remain in effect, with perhaps John Bonk becoming first alternate if we're reduced to 4 delegates, or John Carr becoming a delegate if our allocation increases to 6.
We had several speakers who either spoke on behalf of candidates from personal knowledge and association, or sometimes reading a letter from that candidate.
Chris Swanson spoke up for MN Senator Paul Gazelka, now running for Governor.
Katherine Miller spoke on behalf of Mayor Mike Murphy, now running for Governor.
Tim Jezierski spoke on behalf of Kim Crockett, running for Secretary of State, noting that she has also been working with him on the Election Integrity lawsuit from Lake County.
Nancy Miller spoke on behalf of Rep. Pete Stauber, our present 8th Districft representative in the U.S. Congress.
Donna Bergstrom, the present Deputy Chair of the MN Republicans, spoke about several issues. She introduced us to the name of David Hann, our new state Chair. She mentioned how so many Twin Cities folks are now looking to Republicans to "fix it", i.e. dictator Walz's disastrous policies. We are looking to the state of Virginia for how-to's in this area. She also talked about the need for Election judges, and the need for procedures and rules for reporting election irregularities.
All resolutions (after conflating similar or identical ones into a smaller number) were approved for passing on to the the District 8 level, for later State level consideration for addition to the MN party platform.
Announced: the MN State convention will be held on May 14 in Rochester.
The District 8 convention is expected to be in April sometime, as it must be before the State convention, but redistricting has made it unclear which BPOU's are still part of District 8. (Yes, there are new maps, but the databases and addresses of chairs and delegates need to be set up, and the mailings done.) So they need a little more time to set this up.
Further Details Call our Lake County RPM chair Tim Jezierski at 218-834-2570. Or, visit either our website at lakecountyrepublicans.weebly.com or our Facebook page at Lake County Republican Party.
2022 Republican Precinct Caucuses Set for Lake County (done!)
Tuesday, February 1st is (was) the 2022 Precinct Caucus!
What All Lake County Republicans are encouraged to attend the 2022 Republican precinct caucuses on Tuesday, February 1st.
The highlight of the caucus will be the gubernatorial straw poll. All active Republican candidates will be listed on the ballot. Caucus participants will also have the chance to be elected as delegate to county and district conventions, and to vote on resolutions that will be considered for the party’s statewide platform.
When Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7 PM, doors open at 6:30.
Where Three Caucus Locations Depending on your Precinct as follows (if you do not know what precinct you live in, go to www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts , type in your address, press enter and a box will pop-up showing you your precinct)
The American Legion basement, 614 1st Avenue, in Two Harbors, will be the caucus location (parking on 1st Avenue) for the following ten Lake County Precincts:
Silver Creek Township
Two Harbors Wards 1, 2, 3 & 4
Unorganized Territory #2 Precinct 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Beaver Bay Community Center, 711 MacDonald Ave in Beaver Bay , will be the caucus location for the following eight Lake County Precincts:
Beaver Bay, (City)
Beaver Bay Township Precincts 1 & 4
Crystal Bay Township
Silver Bay Precincts 1 & 2
Stony River Township
Unorganized Township 1
Vermillion Community College, 1900 E Camp Street in Ely will be caucus location for Republicans in Lake County’s Fall Lake Township (enter at classroom building, the middle building on campus – tall signs will direct. Free parking available in lower lot in front of classroom building.)
Who The caucuses are open to any Lake County Minnesotan who identifies with the values of the Republican Party and will be eligible to vote by Election Day, November 8. Other guests who identify with Republican values are also welcome.
Caucus starts promptly at 7pm, so please come early to check-in and get the best seats!
Check-in starts at 6:30
Tuesday, February 1st is (was) the 2022 Precinct Caucus!
What All Lake County Republicans are encouraged to attend the 2022 Republican precinct caucuses on Tuesday, February 1st.
The highlight of the caucus will be the gubernatorial straw poll. All active Republican candidates will be listed on the ballot. Caucus participants will also have the chance to be elected as delegate to county and district conventions, and to vote on resolutions that will be considered for the party’s statewide platform.
When Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7 PM, doors open at 6:30.
Where Three Caucus Locations Depending on your Precinct as follows (if you do not know what precinct you live in, go to www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts , type in your address, press enter and a box will pop-up showing you your precinct)
The American Legion basement, 614 1st Avenue, in Two Harbors, will be the caucus location (parking on 1st Avenue) for the following ten Lake County Precincts:
Silver Creek Township
Two Harbors Wards 1, 2, 3 & 4
Unorganized Territory #2 Precinct 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Beaver Bay Community Center, 711 MacDonald Ave in Beaver Bay , will be the caucus location for the following eight Lake County Precincts:
Beaver Bay, (City)
Beaver Bay Township Precincts 1 & 4
Crystal Bay Township
Silver Bay Precincts 1 & 2
Stony River Township
Unorganized Township 1
Vermillion Community College, 1900 E Camp Street in Ely will be caucus location for Republicans in Lake County’s Fall Lake Township (enter at classroom building, the middle building on campus – tall signs will direct. Free parking available in lower lot in front of classroom building.)
Who The caucuses are open to any Lake County Minnesotan who identifies with the values of the Republican Party and will be eligible to vote by Election Day, November 8. Other guests who identify with Republican values are also welcome.
Caucus starts promptly at 7pm, so please come early to check-in and get the best seats!
Check-in starts at 6:30
Meet and Greet with Scott Jensen, Candidate for Governor
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Arrowhead Conservative Voices sponsored a Meet and Greet for Dr. Scott Jensen at the Silver Bay Rec Hall on November 13. There were more than 40 people in attendance. What follows are a few notes of what I found of interest.
After introductions, Dr. Jensen launched directly into his stump speech. He seemed to be adjusting it to the reaction it was receiving by his audience. He made a point to mention the time he had worked at the Emergency Room in Aurora. He spoke about the “Times we are in,” and said we were “tired of people telling us what to do.” He talked about how government policy needed to change because “one size doesn’t fit all.” He said “government is broken” and gave several examples.
He spent some time on the subject of election integrity. He favors voter ID.
After talking for a while on the faults of MN and federal government, he asked for a show of hands as to whether people had ever been to a political meeting of this kind. Nearly half of those present indicated they had not.
He spoke on his belief in faith, family, freedom, and less government.
He made the observation that “women generally follow state-level issues carefully, while men are more likely to more closely follow federal-level issues.”
He said he has raised $1.5 million for his campaign.
Dr. Jensen took many questions during the Q and A session. He interacted comfortably with attendees. He said he would emphasize technical and vocational education more than university education. Although he mentioned his time in the MN legislature, he said he did not consider himself to be a politician. He mentioned that he has teachers that are supporters, and he thinks he attracts them because he refuses to paint them with the “teacher union brush,” just as he dislikes being painted with the “American Medical Association brush.” At the end of the Q & A, he spoke to the challenge we all face, and closed with “the challenge is not mine, it is ours.”
By Dan Schleeter
After introductions, Dr. Jensen launched directly into his stump speech. He seemed to be adjusting it to the reaction it was receiving by his audience. He made a point to mention the time he had worked at the Emergency Room in Aurora. He spoke about the “Times we are in,” and said we were “tired of people telling us what to do.” He talked about how government policy needed to change because “one size doesn’t fit all.” He said “government is broken” and gave several examples.
He spent some time on the subject of election integrity. He favors voter ID.
After talking for a while on the faults of MN and federal government, he asked for a show of hands as to whether people had ever been to a political meeting of this kind. Nearly half of those present indicated they had not.
He spoke on his belief in faith, family, freedom, and less government.
He made the observation that “women generally follow state-level issues carefully, while men are more likely to more closely follow federal-level issues.”
He said he has raised $1.5 million for his campaign.
Dr. Jensen took many questions during the Q and A session. He interacted comfortably with attendees. He said he would emphasize technical and vocational education more than university education. Although he mentioned his time in the MN legislature, he said he did not consider himself to be a politician. He mentioned that he has teachers that are supporters, and he thinks he attracts them because he refuses to paint them with the “teacher union brush,” just as he dislikes being painted with the “American Medical Association brush.” At the end of the Q & A, he spoke to the challenge we all face, and closed with “the challenge is not mine, it is ours.”
By Dan Schleeter
Meeting with New MNGOP Chair David Hann
November 9, 2021
On November 9, 2022, the Carlton County BPOU invited all BPOU’s, and the members of the Carlton County BPOU, to a special BPOU meeting to meet the new MNGOP Chair David Hann. There were in excess of 60 people present, and nearly ten were officers and members from other BPOU’s. His presentation was quite frank and open, as were the answers to the questions posed to him. The new chair was personable and entertaining. A few observations follow.
David said he is close to hiring a new Executive Director. The candidate has worked for years for the party in Kentucky. He is willing to move to Minnesota right at the beginning of Winter! David also mentioned he is looking for a new Treasurer. David introduced the new Deputy Chair Donna Bergstrom. Attendees were of course delighted that she was from our area. He said he had asked Donna to focus on party governance and election integrity. David mentioned later that although he might not always be able to come up to attend meetings in our area, but perhaps Donna would be.
David presented his “condensed” four point plan, as follows:
By Dan Schleeter
David said he is close to hiring a new Executive Director. The candidate has worked for years for the party in Kentucky. He is willing to move to Minnesota right at the beginning of Winter! David also mentioned he is looking for a new Treasurer. David introduced the new Deputy Chair Donna Bergstrom. Attendees were of course delighted that she was from our area. He said he had asked Donna to focus on party governance and election integrity. David mentioned later that although he might not always be able to come up to attend meetings in our area, but perhaps Donna would be.
David presented his “condensed” four point plan, as follows:
- Hann said the thing he is spending the most time on right now is talking to major donors. He plans to do something unusual. Whereas normally the state party raises $2 to $2 ½ million every year, he has set a personal goal for himself of $5 to $6 million.
- He said he would emphasize – and urged us to emphasize making sure we “tell the story of who we republicans are.” He said he wants us to craft our messages with this in mind. He said the time in which we could try to avoid revealing who we are is past.
- He gave an example of how he had recently met with two members of the Somali community, at their request. They told him they never see us in their communities. He said they see only Dems, and that the Dems “throw around a lot of money.” He said he was planning to urge all republican candidates for statewide office to make an effort to plan events in the 4th and 5th district (St. Paul and Minneapolis). He pointed out that if we somehow got even an additional 2% or 3% out of the 4th and 5th districts, it would make a huge difference.
- His objective, and he urged us to have the same objective, is to win the Governor’s race, hold the Senate, and win the house.
- Election Integrity. Several questions on this topic. It was an interest in the crowd, and also something he wanted to address. He answered one question about the 2020 election having been stolen by saying he would not be talking about that, but would be doing whatever it takes to win the Governor’s race, hold the Senate, and win the house. He said only until we had done this could we re-establish election integrity in MN.
- Election Judges. Hann said that in 2020, there were 3,000 republican election judges and 20,000 democrat election judges. His goal is for 2022 is 10,000 republican election judges. He plans to ensure we have judges in places like the 4th and 5th district, where they are needed, and have not been.
- School Districts. He said we should be recruiting and endorsing candidates for school board. He noted the success of emphasizing the theme of “Back to Basics for a Change.” He related that he had first served on a school board before he ran for the legislature and began his political career. He reiterated the importance in school district races of emphasizing that we tell people what we believe.
- Nursing Homes. During part of the discussion of election integrity, staff assisting residents to vote came up. Hann noted that BPOU’s should go to the leadership of Nursing homes to discuss this. He also noted that family can insist upon ensuring that a family member is present to help when residents vote.
- Finances. At several points, Hann mentioned the financial difficulty the MNGOP is in. At one point he commented that it is “tough to make payroll.”
- MNGOP Website. Hann said “our website is not good.” He wants to improve it and is devoting resources to that end. He wants to develop a page reporting on what the MNGOP is doing that the BPOUs can draw from.
By Dan Schleeter
Bay Days and Heritage Days Parade
July 9th and 10th
The pictures below show the float we rode in at the Bay Days parade in Silver Bay on Friday July 9, 2021, and at the Heritage Days parade in Two Harbors on Saturday , July 10, 2021.
We generally had a good, positive response from parade watchers. We saw many smiles, and many thumbs up.
We received the most reaction from the two Trump flags we included. One of those was waved by us on the back of the float, so got attention. Although there were a few that indicated their displeasure, the vast majority of reactions were very positive! In Two Harbors, a big group of children broke out spontaneously in a chant of “Trump, Trump, Trump.” The children were more exuberant than the adults, who often looked around concerned who might see them smile or give the thumbs up.
We generally had a good, positive response from parade watchers. We saw many smiles, and many thumbs up.
We received the most reaction from the two Trump flags we included. One of those was waved by us on the back of the float, so got attention. Although there were a few that indicated their displeasure, the vast majority of reactions were very positive! In Two Harbors, a big group of children broke out spontaneously in a chant of “Trump, Trump, Trump.” The children were more exuberant than the adults, who often looked around concerned who might see them smile or give the thumbs up.
Previous Years
Wow! We had a blast at the Chili Feed!
Wow! We had a blast at the Chili Feed!
Glad you asked!
Our Contest Judge, Dave Pascoe, Deputy Chair of Minnesota GOP, looked at all the entries and based his winners on three criteria: 1) Sign displays that are neat, 2) Sign displays along major roadways, and 3) the Bigger the Better in rural areas (they can act as billboards!).
Here are the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners followed by Dave's lovely Honorable Mention.
1st Place
"Huge sign display" along the Hwy 61 Expressway on your way to Two Harbors from Duluth.
Installed by Ryan & Melissa Grumdahl of Two Harbors, who won a fabulous sculpted metal American Flag.
(Donated by Chantel & Michael Carter, owners of the Chop Shop, also in Two Harbors)
2nd Place
"Cannot miss this huge sign display while driving along old highway 61 and lake superior"
Installed by a business owner next to the McQuade Safe Harbor, who won a bag full of candidate T-shirts, hats, and President Trump bumper stickers.
3rd Place
"On a major tourist road, big and huge signs"
Installed by Barb & Jon Norine between Two Harbors & Silver Bay, who won and donated a "Let It Snow" mantle piece decoration.
Honorable Mention
"Elaina says grandpas signs are best"
Installed by Grandpa Andrew Mack & Charles Stromquist in Silver Bay.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our contest, and
Congratulations contest winners!
(Scroll down to see all the entrees!)
Our Contest Judge, Dave Pascoe, Deputy Chair of Minnesota GOP, looked at all the entries and based his winners on three criteria: 1) Sign displays that are neat, 2) Sign displays along major roadways, and 3) the Bigger the Better in rural areas (they can act as billboards!).
Here are the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners followed by Dave's lovely Honorable Mention.
1st Place
"Huge sign display" along the Hwy 61 Expressway on your way to Two Harbors from Duluth.
Installed by Ryan & Melissa Grumdahl of Two Harbors, who won a fabulous sculpted metal American Flag.
(Donated by Chantel & Michael Carter, owners of the Chop Shop, also in Two Harbors)
2nd Place
"Cannot miss this huge sign display while driving along old highway 61 and lake superior"
Installed by a business owner next to the McQuade Safe Harbor, who won a bag full of candidate T-shirts, hats, and President Trump bumper stickers.
3rd Place
"On a major tourist road, big and huge signs"
Installed by Barb & Jon Norine between Two Harbors & Silver Bay, who won and donated a "Let It Snow" mantle piece decoration.
Honorable Mention
"Elaina says grandpas signs are best"
Installed by Grandpa Andrew Mack & Charles Stromquist in Silver Bay.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our contest, and
Congratulations contest winners!
(Scroll down to see all the entrees!)
Get out and vote!
Every Tsunami starts with one drop of rain,
and every RED Tsunami starts with one vote -- YOURS!
See you at the poll!
and every RED Tsunami starts with one vote -- YOURS!
See you at the poll!
Older "news", from the past
Put up your biggest, brightest, flashiest, attention grabbing Republican Candidate yard sign display, then take a photo showing the great job you did and send it to us at [email protected].
Your best photo and any snappy title you want to give it will be listed here (not your name or address), and
Dave Pascoe, Deputy Chair of MN GOP (one of the big-wigs in the cities!)
will be our outside, impartial contest judge. Yippee! Thank you, Dave!
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners, so put on your creative advertising caps, get our your hammer and drill, and when your Republican Yard Sign display is complete, send us a photo!
Please let us know what candidate signs you need and we'll get them to our Two Harbors location for you to pick-up ASAP!
Rules on the fine line - GOP Candidate signs for 2018 must be on your property. If your property is outside of Lake County your sign display must be visible to people heading into Lake County, no matter what direction they're coming from. Contest ends November 5, 2018.
Here are our entries!
(click on a photo below to scroll through entries)
Put up your biggest, brightest, flashiest, attention grabbing Republican Candidate yard sign display, then take a photo showing the great job you did and send it to us at [email protected].
Your best photo and any snappy title you want to give it will be listed here (not your name or address), and
Dave Pascoe, Deputy Chair of MN GOP (one of the big-wigs in the cities!)
will be our outside, impartial contest judge. Yippee! Thank you, Dave!
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners, so put on your creative advertising caps, get our your hammer and drill, and when your Republican Yard Sign display is complete, send us a photo!
Please let us know what candidate signs you need and we'll get them to our Two Harbors location for you to pick-up ASAP!
Rules on the fine line - GOP Candidate signs for 2018 must be on your property. If your property is outside of Lake County your sign display must be visible to people heading into Lake County, no matter what direction they're coming from. Contest ends November 5, 2018.
Here are our entries!
(click on a photo below to scroll through entries)
Jim Newberger, Jim Newberger, Jim Newberger!
Guess who was in Two Harbors & Duluth September 19 - 21?!
A huge "Thank YOU!" to Ryan & Melissa Grumdahl for opening their home and hosting a fabulous Taco Feed Fundraiser for Jim Newberger!
A huge "Thank YOU!" also to Dr. Pat & Becky Hall for opening their home and hosting a Fund Raiser for Jim Newberger on Lake Superior!
Randy Goutermont for House District 3A
Three big events are planned this weekend for Randy, and you are invited to them all!
Meet, Greet & Support Randy!
Friday evening, September 7th from 7 - 9pm, you are invited to an informal Meet, Greet & Support get-together for Randy being held at the Silver Bay Reunion Hall in Silver Bay.
7pm -- Meet the Candidate
7:30pm -- Remarks from our Candidate, Randy Goutermont, followed by a Q&A session
8:15 - 9pm -- Hang-out and socialize with Randy and one another!
Appetizers and desserts will be served, and there will be kid's activities going on during the event to keep your little ones entertained.
An RSVP is appreciated but not required. Contact Katelyn Goutermont at 218-220-9739 or [email protected]
Meet, Greet & Support Randy!
Friday evening, September 7th from 7 - 9pm, you are invited to an informal Meet, Greet & Support get-together for Randy being held at the Silver Bay Reunion Hall in Silver Bay.
7pm -- Meet the Candidate
7:30pm -- Remarks from our Candidate, Randy Goutermont, followed by a Q&A session
8:15 - 9pm -- Hang-out and socialize with Randy and one another!
Appetizers and desserts will be served, and there will be kid's activities going on during the event to keep your little ones entertained.
An RSVP is appreciated but not required. Contact Katelyn Goutermont at 218-220-9739 or [email protected]
Harvest Moon Walk
Saturday and Sunday, September 8 & 9, Randy and his supporters will set off to Ely in a convoy of people ready to walk up and down the streets of Ely, knock on neighbor's doors, introduce ourselves as supporters of Randy Goutermont for House District 3A, and give out handy campaign leave-behind literature for residents to read. No one's home? Then we will leave the leave-behind behind so they can read about their next HD 3A candidate at their leisure!
It will be a great time to take a stroll through the vendors at the Harvest Moon Festival too!
Please ride along with us and then walk along with us as we do some radical leftist things -- like knock on doors and say, "Howdy!" to our neighbors in Ely! Please let me know if you need a ride to Ely, if you can be a driver for ride-share folks, and what days you would like to join us under the Harvest Moon!
Meet & Greet Randy in Ely after the
Harvest Moon Festival!
Once the Harvest Moon Festival ends at 3pm on Sunday, head over to a Randy Goutermont Meet & Greet in Ely at the Senior Center.
This casual get-together will allow us time to meet our Candidate and let him tell us about the great things going on with his campaign. Come grab a cup of coffee and a snack, put your feet up after a great days work on the campaign trail (for those of you who walked with Randy earlier in the day!), and share political talk with Randy and one another!
Kids are welcome and there will be activities for them to do, too.
Harvest Moon Festival!
Once the Harvest Moon Festival ends at 3pm on Sunday, head over to a Randy Goutermont Meet & Greet in Ely at the Senior Center.
This casual get-together will allow us time to meet our Candidate and let him tell us about the great things going on with his campaign. Come grab a cup of coffee and a snack, put your feet up after a great days work on the campaign trail (for those of you who walked with Randy earlier in the day!), and share political talk with Randy and one another!
Kids are welcome and there will be activities for them to do, too.
Hope to see you at all three events!
Lake County GOP will be at the Fair in Two Harbors!
Once again Lake County GOP will have a booth in the Commercial Building during the Lake County Fair and we are looking forward to seeing you there!
Throughout the four days Lake County GOP will be visited by Republican candidates wanting to meet and talk with YOU! Randy Goutermont, running for House District 3A (largest House District in the state of Minnesota and a Silver Bay native!) will stop by and visit, along with Keith MacDonald, former Hermantown Mayor currently running for House District 3B (from Hermantown to Two Harbors, and against long time Rep Mary Murphy). Last year Jim Newberger, running for the U.S. Senate against Amy Klobuchar, spent time in our booth at the fair, and now that Jim is our endorsed GOP candidate we are looking forward to seeing him at the fair again! And Northern Minnesota's own, Pete Stauber, running for U.S. Congress, may stop by and visit, so you will not want to miss any of the action!
Don't forget to stop by and pick-up candidate yard signs to take home and show your support. We should have signs, bumper stickers, pins and informational hand-outs available for all candidates, so come on down to the "Small Town Throw Down!"
We will continue our tradition of having a large 'Thank you, President Trump' card in the booth for backers and supporters of President Trump to sign, and after the fair our card -- your card -- will be mailed to President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington, D.C. So come out and show our President your support!
We will have President Trump gold and silver tone commemorative coins, along with "45", "Deplorable", "Trump Make America Great Again" and "Trump 2020" bumper stickers for sale. All money raised goes to Lake County GOP -- and all money stays and works for YOU here in Lake County!
Hope to see you there!
Throughout the four days Lake County GOP will be visited by Republican candidates wanting to meet and talk with YOU! Randy Goutermont, running for House District 3A (largest House District in the state of Minnesota and a Silver Bay native!) will stop by and visit, along with Keith MacDonald, former Hermantown Mayor currently running for House District 3B (from Hermantown to Two Harbors, and against long time Rep Mary Murphy). Last year Jim Newberger, running for the U.S. Senate against Amy Klobuchar, spent time in our booth at the fair, and now that Jim is our endorsed GOP candidate we are looking forward to seeing him at the fair again! And Northern Minnesota's own, Pete Stauber, running for U.S. Congress, may stop by and visit, so you will not want to miss any of the action!
Don't forget to stop by and pick-up candidate yard signs to take home and show your support. We should have signs, bumper stickers, pins and informational hand-outs available for all candidates, so come on down to the "Small Town Throw Down!"
We will continue our tradition of having a large 'Thank you, President Trump' card in the booth for backers and supporters of President Trump to sign, and after the fair our card -- your card -- will be mailed to President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington, D.C. So come out and show our President your support!
We will have President Trump gold and silver tone commemorative coins, along with "45", "Deplorable", "Trump Make America Great Again" and "Trump 2020" bumper stickers for sale. All money raised goes to Lake County GOP -- and all money stays and works for YOU here in Lake County!
Hope to see you there!
Our huge 2018 "Thank you, President Trump!" card -- already delivered to the White House!
Bay Days in Silver Bay is here again!
Friday, July 13 through Sunday, July 15
Lake County GOP will have a booth in the middle of the "action on the hill" in beautiful Silver Bay, so please stop by and visit us there.
We will be visited throughout the three days by GOP Endorsed Candidates and will have candidate lawn signs and bumper stickers for you to take home.
PLUS! Silver Bay's own, Randy Goutermont -- currently running for House District 3A against "Metro Rob*" Ecklund -- will be in our booth all three days, so stop by and visit your next Minnesota House Representative!
From Hwy 61 turn up the hill onto Outer Drive. Go up and around the curve to Shopping Center Road where you cannot miss all the action taking place in Silver Bay during Bay Days!
*Why do we call him "Metro Rob"? Check out his record on where YOUR taxes -- paid in Lake County -- are spent and you will know why!
Lake County GOP will have a booth in the middle of the "action on the hill" in beautiful Silver Bay, so please stop by and visit us there.
We will be visited throughout the three days by GOP Endorsed Candidates and will have candidate lawn signs and bumper stickers for you to take home.
PLUS! Silver Bay's own, Randy Goutermont -- currently running for House District 3A against "Metro Rob*" Ecklund -- will be in our booth all three days, so stop by and visit your next Minnesota House Representative!
From Hwy 61 turn up the hill onto Outer Drive. Go up and around the curve to Shopping Center Road where you cannot miss all the action taking place in Silver Bay during Bay Days!
*Why do we call him "Metro Rob"? Check out his record on where YOUR taxes -- paid in Lake County -- are spent and you will know why!
Campaign Fund Raiser for Doug Wardlow in Two Harbors!
You are invited to attend a Campaign Fund Raiser for our endorsed candidate for Minnesota's next Attorney General -- Doug Wardlow! 'What does an Attorney General do,' you ask? The Attorney General is the highest legal officer in any state. They uphold the rule of law and ensure everyone in their state does the same thing.
Please join us on Friday evening, July 6th from 6 - 8 pm, at the Chop Shop LLC Showroom,
1549 Highway 61, approximately 2 miles northeast of Two Harbors.
We will be holding a Taco Feed at $10 per plate, and will be selling fabulous boxed cupcakes from
Brandy's Gourmet Cupcakes in Two Harbors.
Please plan on attending this fund raiser at the Chop Shop LLC Showroom (watch for Big Foot to greet you!),
on Friday night, and meet and talk with your next Attorney General -- GOP Endorsed Candidate Doug Wardlow. Bring your family and friends along and have a great dinner while supporting our next Attorney General!
All proceeds from the Taco Feed and Cupcake sales go directly to Doug's Campaign -- Thank you for your support!
Please join us on Friday evening, July 6th from 6 - 8 pm, at the Chop Shop LLC Showroom,
1549 Highway 61, approximately 2 miles northeast of Two Harbors.
We will be holding a Taco Feed at $10 per plate, and will be selling fabulous boxed cupcakes from
Brandy's Gourmet Cupcakes in Two Harbors.
Please plan on attending this fund raiser at the Chop Shop LLC Showroom (watch for Big Foot to greet you!),
on Friday night, and meet and talk with your next Attorney General -- GOP Endorsed Candidate Doug Wardlow. Bring your family and friends along and have a great dinner while supporting our next Attorney General!
All proceeds from the Taco Feed and Cupcake sales go directly to Doug's Campaign -- Thank you for your support!
Radical extremist Keith Ellison vs Conservative Constitutionalist Doug Wardlow
Two Harbors Heritage Days is here again!
Friday, July 6 through Sunday, July 8 -- Two Harbors Heritage Days.
Lake County GOP will have a booth in the middle of the activities, so please stop by and visit us there.
We will be visited throughout the three days by local and statewide Endorsed GOP Candidates, and will have candidate bumper stickers and lawn signs for you to take home.
We will also have fun items for you to purchase, including gold and silver tone President Donald Trump coins, and "Deplorable" "45" & "Trump/Pence" bumper stickers to show your support for our President. Stop by and get one before they are gone!
From Dairy Queen on the main drag in Two Harbors (Hwy 61 or 7th Avenue) go south on Waterfront Drive about 6 blocks to South Avenue and you will not miss the action!
Lake County GOP will have a booth in the middle of the activities, so please stop by and visit us there.
We will be visited throughout the three days by local and statewide Endorsed GOP Candidates, and will have candidate bumper stickers and lawn signs for you to take home.
We will also have fun items for you to purchase, including gold and silver tone President Donald Trump coins, and "Deplorable" "45" & "Trump/Pence" bumper stickers to show your support for our President. Stop by and get one before they are gone!
From Dairy Queen on the main drag in Two Harbors (Hwy 61 or 7th Avenue) go south on Waterfront Drive about 6 blocks to South Avenue and you will not miss the action!
Above -- Donna Bergstrom, running for Lt Governor with Jeff Johnson, took part in the Lake County GOP booth during Heritage Days. Donna greeted and spoke with many Lake County residents, who were impressed with her, and her and Jeff's plans for Minnesota. Thank you for being with us, Donna!
Below -- Team Johnson's Float in the Heritage Days/4th of July Parade. Included in the group are Karin Housley (helping to hold the Housley sign), Jim Newberger (helping to hold the Newberger sign) and Keith MacDonald, running for House District 3B (on the far right helping Jim hold his sign).
Below -- Team Johnson's Float in the Heritage Days/4th of July Parade. Included in the group are Karin Housley (helping to hold the Housley sign), Jim Newberger (helping to hold the Newberger sign) and Keith MacDonald, running for House District 3B (on the far right helping Jim hold his sign).
Meet Randy Goutermont tonight!
Randy Goutermont, long time Silver Bay resident, husband to Chasya and dad to three beautiful children, is running to become House District 3A's next Representative. Randy will be attending the 710 Club at Ganucchi's Restaurant in West Duluth, and will give us a quick rundown on his very new candidacy.
Please plan on attending tonight, Tuesday, May 8th at 7:10!
710 Club meeting starts at 7:10 pm on the second Tuesday of every month. It is held at Ganucchi's Restaurant, 301 N Central Ave, just off I 35 in West Duluth. Come early and enjoy a delicious meal before the meeting starts!
Please plan on attending tonight, Tuesday, May 8th at 7:10!
710 Club meeting starts at 7:10 pm on the second Tuesday of every month. It is held at Ganucchi's Restaurant, 301 N Central Ave, just off I 35 in West Duluth. Come early and enjoy a delicious meal before the meeting starts!
Meet & Greet the GOP Candidates in Ely, Thursday, May 24!
You are invited to Meet & Greet some of the Republican Candidates running for local, statewide and U.S. Congressional seats, next week in Ely, Minnesota. These men and women are coming to Ely -- Northern Minnesota -- to Meet & Greet YOU!
When? Thursday, May 24th from 5:30 to 7:30
Where? Grand Ely Lodge, Restaurant & Conference Center, 400 N. Pioneer Rd. in Ely, Minnesota.
Who is invited? Everyone interested in meeting and hearing from GOP Candidates running for office in Minnesota, and all the GOP candidates running for office!
What Candidates are expected to be at the Meet & Greet so far?
Randy Goutermont running for House District 3A against "Metro Rob" Ecklund
Pete Stauber running for the United States Congressional District 8 seat long held by Rick Nolan
Jim Newberger running for the United States Senate against Amy Klobuchar
Bob Anderson running for the United States Senate and Al Franken's dishonored seat
Forest Hyatt also running for the United States Senate and Al Franken's/Tina Smith's seat
Charge to attend? Absolutely free to any resident who wants to learn more about their GOP Candidates.
This event is being Hosted by Lake County GOP Precinct Delegates Andrew Mack, AICP from Silver Bay & Suz Olson from Beaver Bay.
Lake County warmly thanks the Grand Ely Lodge & Resort on beautiful Shagawa Lake for their generosity in allowing us to host this event at their resort.
Hope to see you there!
When? Thursday, May 24th from 5:30 to 7:30
Where? Grand Ely Lodge, Restaurant & Conference Center, 400 N. Pioneer Rd. in Ely, Minnesota.
Who is invited? Everyone interested in meeting and hearing from GOP Candidates running for office in Minnesota, and all the GOP candidates running for office!
What Candidates are expected to be at the Meet & Greet so far?
Randy Goutermont running for House District 3A against "Metro Rob" Ecklund
Pete Stauber running for the United States Congressional District 8 seat long held by Rick Nolan
Jim Newberger running for the United States Senate against Amy Klobuchar
Bob Anderson running for the United States Senate and Al Franken's dishonored seat
Forest Hyatt also running for the United States Senate and Al Franken's/Tina Smith's seat
Charge to attend? Absolutely free to any resident who wants to learn more about their GOP Candidates.
This event is being Hosted by Lake County GOP Precinct Delegates Andrew Mack, AICP from Silver Bay & Suz Olson from Beaver Bay.
Lake County warmly thanks the Grand Ely Lodge & Resort on beautiful Shagawa Lake for their generosity in allowing us to host this event at their resort.
Hope to see you there!
Pete Stauber, endorsed CD8 Candidate for the U.S. Congress, and Randy Goutermont, candidate for House District 3A, with darling daughter, Summer 2017.
Precinct Delegates & Alternates Meeting Monday May 14!
There has been a lot happening, and with the November election right around the corner (hard to believe with the grass just popping up!), there is much more to come!
Randy Goutermont, Lake County BPOU Alternate and Seated Delegate at the CD8 Convention, officially announced his candidacy to run for House District 3A against Democrat incumbent, Rob Ecklund -- better known as "Metro Rob."
This meeting will be to officially introduce Randy to you, and allow him a few minutes to speak to some of the movers and shakers in Lake County -- YOU.
We will also do some brainstorming on how to best let Republicans living in Lake County know "They are not alone." Should we put an ad in the paper asking, "Republican?", then letting them know, "You are not alone!" We can include our website and all the events Lake County GOP will be involved in this summer. Put on your advertising thinking-caps and come ready to share your ideas!
This meeting will also be to get volunteers to staff the booths at Bay Days, Heritage Days, the Lake County Fair, and to walk in multiple parades for multiple candidates. Anyone up to staffing a Lake County booth in Ely? Ely may be in St. Louis County, but Fall Lake residents from Lake County travel to, and shop in, Ely every day, so our presence there might encourage them that they are definitely not alone.
Pete Stauber unanimously won the GOP endorsement during CD8's Convention! Now we need to make phone calls, knock on doors, leave literature in newspaper boxes or tucked inside front doors, and place lawn signs for our next United States Congressional member -- Pete Stauber!
There will be other items on the agenda, so please plan on attending this Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, at Silver Bowl bowling alley, 97 Outer Drive in Silver Bay.
Please let me know if you have any questions, bring your list of ideas and suggestions, and more than anything, thank you for your time and dedication. Your work and commitment here in Lake County has been noticed and highlighted by MN GOP leadership.
Let's show the rest of the state how it's done!
Randy Goutermont, Lake County BPOU Alternate and Seated Delegate at the CD8 Convention, officially announced his candidacy to run for House District 3A against Democrat incumbent, Rob Ecklund -- better known as "Metro Rob."
This meeting will be to officially introduce Randy to you, and allow him a few minutes to speak to some of the movers and shakers in Lake County -- YOU.
We will also do some brainstorming on how to best let Republicans living in Lake County know "They are not alone." Should we put an ad in the paper asking, "Republican?", then letting them know, "You are not alone!" We can include our website and all the events Lake County GOP will be involved in this summer. Put on your advertising thinking-caps and come ready to share your ideas!
This meeting will also be to get volunteers to staff the booths at Bay Days, Heritage Days, the Lake County Fair, and to walk in multiple parades for multiple candidates. Anyone up to staffing a Lake County booth in Ely? Ely may be in St. Louis County, but Fall Lake residents from Lake County travel to, and shop in, Ely every day, so our presence there might encourage them that they are definitely not alone.
Pete Stauber unanimously won the GOP endorsement during CD8's Convention! Now we need to make phone calls, knock on doors, leave literature in newspaper boxes or tucked inside front doors, and place lawn signs for our next United States Congressional member -- Pete Stauber!
There will be other items on the agenda, so please plan on attending this Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, at Silver Bowl bowling alley, 97 Outer Drive in Silver Bay.
Please let me know if you have any questions, bring your list of ideas and suggestions, and more than anything, thank you for your time and dedication. Your work and commitment here in Lake County has been noticed and highlighted by MN GOP leadership.
Let's show the rest of the state how it's done!
Phillip Parrish Meet & Greet
Thursday April 26, 4 to 6 pm
Hosted by Beaver Bay GOP Precinct
Lake County BPOU Convention
Now that the Precinct Caucus is over what comes next? The BPOU Convention!
All Lake County Delegates and Alternates elected during the Precinct Caucus on February 6th are encouraged to attend the Lake County BPOU Convention on ??????. - - Coming!
Convention location is the Two Harbors Community Center, 417 South Ave. in Two Harbors.
We will have guest speakers -- Candidates and MN GOP leadership -- and will elect Delegates and Alternates who will attend both the Congressional District 8 (CD8) Convention in Park Rapids, and the Minnesota GOP Convention on June 1st & 2nd in Duluth.
Lake County BPOU Convention
Now that the Precinct Caucus is over what comes next? The BPOU Convention!
All Lake County Delegates and Alternates elected during the Precinct Caucus on February 6th are encouraged to attend the Lake County BPOU Convention on ??????. - - Coming!
Convention location is the Two Harbors Community Center, 417 South Ave. in Two Harbors.
We will have guest speakers -- Candidates and MN GOP leadership -- and will elect Delegates and Alternates who will attend both the Congressional District 8 (CD8) Convention in Park Rapids, and the Minnesota GOP Convention on June 1st & 2nd in Duluth.
2018's Precinct Caucus is only one month away!
Time to get the word out to all our Lake County neighbors and friends!
Want to be a voice for sanity in this ever changing world? Want to be a voice for good in this sometimes crazy world? Ever feel like there is nothing you can do to help steer the direction of your town, your county, your state or the United States of America? If you said "Yes" to any of those questions please join your neighbors, your friends and the Lake County GOP leadership on Tuesday night, February 6, for our Precinct Caucus.
What happens at a Republican Precinct Caucus? Republicans come together to discuss issues that are important to them and their communities. Anyone with an idea they believe should be added to the Republican Platform -- any change they believe would help make our party and our country better -- can bring their Resolution to the Precinct caucus where it will be discussed, and if approved (and not already on the party platform) the Resolution would then be sent to the state level. If approved, the GOP statewide constitution would be changed -- because of you and the work you did!
At the Precinct Caucus we also hear from candidates running for office, usually via a letter that would be read, we discuss candidate platforms and then vote on what Gubernatorial candidate we would like to see put forward to the general election.
The people we vote for at the Precinct Caucus on February 6 helps determine who will be on the ballot when we vote on Tuesday, November 6. That makes your role in attending the caucus crucial!
Don't know what precinct you are in? This website https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts/ can give you that information! Type your address into the box in the upper left corner and press enter. Under that box you will see your precinct, and under that you will see all of your elected officials -- local to statewide.
From the Minnesota Secretary of State's website, "We encourage Minnesotans to show support for their preferred candidates by participating in the candidate endorsement process that leads up to the state and national party conventions." And that happens at the Precinct Caucus! Please see the Secretary of State's website for a great description on what to expect, and what generally happens, at your Precinct Caucus -- http://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/how-elections-work/precinct-caucuses/
Please mark your calendar now to attend the Precinct Caucus held this year on Tuesday, February 6 at 7 pm. There are three Precinct Caucus locations again this year; the Two Harbors Community Center by Agate Bay in Two Harbors, William Kelley High School (Library) in Silver Bay, and Vermilion Community College in Ely for residents of Fall Lake Township.
Time to get the word out to all our Lake County neighbors and friends!
Want to be a voice for sanity in this ever changing world? Want to be a voice for good in this sometimes crazy world? Ever feel like there is nothing you can do to help steer the direction of your town, your county, your state or the United States of America? If you said "Yes" to any of those questions please join your neighbors, your friends and the Lake County GOP leadership on Tuesday night, February 6, for our Precinct Caucus.
What happens at a Republican Precinct Caucus? Republicans come together to discuss issues that are important to them and their communities. Anyone with an idea they believe should be added to the Republican Platform -- any change they believe would help make our party and our country better -- can bring their Resolution to the Precinct caucus where it will be discussed, and if approved (and not already on the party platform) the Resolution would then be sent to the state level. If approved, the GOP statewide constitution would be changed -- because of you and the work you did!
At the Precinct Caucus we also hear from candidates running for office, usually via a letter that would be read, we discuss candidate platforms and then vote on what Gubernatorial candidate we would like to see put forward to the general election.
The people we vote for at the Precinct Caucus on February 6 helps determine who will be on the ballot when we vote on Tuesday, November 6. That makes your role in attending the caucus crucial!
Don't know what precinct you are in? This website https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts/ can give you that information! Type your address into the box in the upper left corner and press enter. Under that box you will see your precinct, and under that you will see all of your elected officials -- local to statewide.
From the Minnesota Secretary of State's website, "We encourage Minnesotans to show support for their preferred candidates by participating in the candidate endorsement process that leads up to the state and national party conventions." And that happens at the Precinct Caucus! Please see the Secretary of State's website for a great description on what to expect, and what generally happens, at your Precinct Caucus -- http://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/how-elections-work/precinct-caucuses/
Please mark your calendar now to attend the Precinct Caucus held this year on Tuesday, February 6 at 7 pm. There are three Precinct Caucus locations again this year; the Two Harbors Community Center by Agate Bay in Two Harbors, William Kelley High School (Library) in Silver Bay, and Vermilion Community College in Ely for residents of Fall Lake Township.
Friday, October 27 from 7 - 9pm Lake County Republicans will be holding a
Republican Candidate Meet & Greet
at the Two Harbors Community Center, 417 South Ave in Two Harbors.
Republican candidates running for the offices of Governor, U.S. Senate, Congress and Attorney General will be there to introduce themselves to you and answer questions you may have about them or their positions on issues important to you. Please stop by and meet our candidate running against Rick Nolan for Congress -- Pete Stauber (from down the road in St. Louis County!), our candidate running against Amy Klobuchar for the U.S. Senate -- Jim Newberger, and our candidates running to become Governor and Attorney General for the State of Minnesota (Phillip Parrish, 4th place winner in the Minnesota State Fair Governor's Corn Poll and strong supporter of President Trump will be here, along with representatives from other candidate's teams).
We will have a pot of Norseman Grog decaf coffee from Arco Coffee in Duluth on for you to enjoy, and two flavors of organic ice cream from Love Creamery -- here in Two Harbors -- to savor as you greet and meet our candidates!
Republican Candidate Meet & Greet
at the Two Harbors Community Center, 417 South Ave in Two Harbors.
Republican candidates running for the offices of Governor, U.S. Senate, Congress and Attorney General will be there to introduce themselves to you and answer questions you may have about them or their positions on issues important to you. Please stop by and meet our candidate running against Rick Nolan for Congress -- Pete Stauber (from down the road in St. Louis County!), our candidate running against Amy Klobuchar for the U.S. Senate -- Jim Newberger, and our candidates running to become Governor and Attorney General for the State of Minnesota (Phillip Parrish, 4th place winner in the Minnesota State Fair Governor's Corn Poll and strong supporter of President Trump will be here, along with representatives from other candidate's teams).
We will have a pot of Norseman Grog decaf coffee from Arco Coffee in Duluth on for you to enjoy, and two flavors of organic ice cream from Love Creamery -- here in Two Harbors -- to savor as you greet and meet our candidates!
Lake County Fair
Thursday, August 17 through Sunday, August 20 -- Lake County Fair. Lake County GOP will have a booth at the Lake County Fair. Please stop by and visit us there. We will be visited throughout the four days of the fair by Republicans who currently have their hats in the ring for local to statewide races. Meet someone who may be your next Governor! Get information early about someone who may be your next Congressman or Congresswoman. Be one of the first people to say, 'I have one of "their" original campaign buttons from back in 2017!' Sign our large 'President Trump, we appreciate you' card that will be mailed to our President after the fair. Pick up your "Deplorable" or "45" bumper stickers (suggested donations to cover costs), sign up for our drawing of fun prizes donated by local businesses, or be one of the hundreds who smile and give us a thumps-up sign of approval as you walk by!
From the corner of 7th Avenue (Hwy 61) and 4th Street in Two Harbors go north on 4th street approximately 1 mile to Fairgrounds Road. Take a right and you're there!
Thursday, August 17 through Sunday, August 20 -- Lake County Fair. Lake County GOP will have a booth at the Lake County Fair. Please stop by and visit us there. We will be visited throughout the four days of the fair by Republicans who currently have their hats in the ring for local to statewide races. Meet someone who may be your next Governor! Get information early about someone who may be your next Congressman or Congresswoman. Be one of the first people to say, 'I have one of "their" original campaign buttons from back in 2017!' Sign our large 'President Trump, we appreciate you' card that will be mailed to our President after the fair. Pick up your "Deplorable" or "45" bumper stickers (suggested donations to cover costs), sign up for our drawing of fun prizes donated by local businesses, or be one of the hundreds who smile and give us a thumps-up sign of approval as you walk by!
From the corner of 7th Avenue (Hwy 61) and 4th Street in Two Harbors go north on 4th street approximately 1 mile to Fairgrounds Road. Take a right and you're there!
Congratulations to our prize winners who visited our booth at the Lake County Fair! Grand prize of the amazing large sculpted metal Butterfly donated by Two Harbors own Chop Shop, coupon for a pizza of your choice from Do North Pizzeria in Two Harbors, hand crocheted "God Bless America" sign, all natural material Swedish Wash Cloth, and a Lake Superior T-shirt with matching sticker were all appreciated by the winners!
Heritage Days in Two Harbors
Thursday, July 6 through Sunday, July 9 -- Two Harbors Heritage Days. Lake County GOP will have a booth in the middle of the activities. Please stop by and visit us there. We will be visited throughout the four days by local politicians, and will have drawings for fun, fabulous and delicious items donated by local businesses.
From Dairy Queen on the main drag in Two Harbors (Hwy 61 or 7th Avenue) go south on Waterfront Drive about 6 blocks to South Avenue where you cannot miss the action!
Bay Days in Silver Bay
Friday, July 7 through Sunday, July 9 -- Silver Bay Bay Days. Lake County GOP will have a booth in Silver Bay at Bay Days the same weekend, so please stop by both locations and meet your Lake County Republican BPOU leaders. From Hwy 61 turn left onto Outer Drive towards town. Go up around the curve to Shopping Center Road where you cannot miss all the great activities waiting for you in Silver Bay!
Congratulations to our prize winners from the Heritage and Bay Days events! 1st place prize of a one night stay at Superior Gateway Lodge Bed & Breakfast in Two Harbors, 2nd place prize of a large heritage Spotted Begonia, and two 3rd place prizes of a Pound of gourmet fudge from Brandy's Gourmet Fudge in Two Harbors were all appreciated by the winners. Congratulations prize winners!
Thursday, July 6 through Sunday, July 9 -- Two Harbors Heritage Days. Lake County GOP will have a booth in the middle of the activities. Please stop by and visit us there. We will be visited throughout the four days by local politicians, and will have drawings for fun, fabulous and delicious items donated by local businesses.
From Dairy Queen on the main drag in Two Harbors (Hwy 61 or 7th Avenue) go south on Waterfront Drive about 6 blocks to South Avenue where you cannot miss the action!
Bay Days in Silver Bay
Friday, July 7 through Sunday, July 9 -- Silver Bay Bay Days. Lake County GOP will have a booth in Silver Bay at Bay Days the same weekend, so please stop by both locations and meet your Lake County Republican BPOU leaders. From Hwy 61 turn left onto Outer Drive towards town. Go up around the curve to Shopping Center Road where you cannot miss all the great activities waiting for you in Silver Bay!
Congratulations to our prize winners from the Heritage and Bay Days events! 1st place prize of a one night stay at Superior Gateway Lodge Bed & Breakfast in Two Harbors, 2nd place prize of a large heritage Spotted Begonia, and two 3rd place prizes of a Pound of gourmet fudge from Brandy's Gourmet Fudge in Two Harbors were all appreciated by the winners. Congratulations prize winners!